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2017-02-09 02:24:35 -0600 commented question Avast detects a virus in OpenCV 3

From I downloaded the OpenCV for Windows file (version 3.2) -> ( (file: open-cv-3.2.0-vc14.exe). I ran Avast Antivirus on the downloaded file and received a virus report: JS: Downloader-DZB [Trj] Specifically found in: open-cv-3.2.0-vc14.exe>opencv\sources\modules\ts\src\ ts_gtest.cpp

2017-02-09 01:48:08 -0600 asked a question Avast detects a virus in OpenCV 3

When download Open CV 3.2 for Windows, Avast Antivirus finds the following virus: JS: Downloader-DZB [Trj] According to the history of Avast was added on 01.19.2017 (170119-3)