2014-03-06 14:23:23 -0600 | received badge | ● Organizer (source) |
2014-03-06 14:16:36 -0600 | asked a question | I'm having trouble reading YAML I have this YAML file that I've built items.yml: %YAML:1.0 #items: - item : 1 round : true hc : [50,110,40,270,330] detect : area : 0 - item : 2 round : true hc : [50,110,40,270,330] detect : SURF area : 0 - item : 3 round : false hc : null detect : SURF area : 2 ... I also have Item struct that fits to the items YAML I want to add them to vector<item> in a loop. I have read the yaml spec, and opencv docs and examples I've tried a lot to read the YAML file but every time a came across with annoying exceptions. 1. The struct it self is very sensitive more than some online YAML editors that I tried them on (tabs and whitespace), so this is how I got to this, a working non errors FileStorage, construction of the YAML file. If I need to change it please fix me. 2.
The reading is somehow more complex.
I've read before only yaml Any help would be appreciated. thanks! |
2014-02-04 02:53:50 -0600 | commented question | BFMatcher crosscheck When I run your code at first I've got this error:
So from what you wrote here, you have a set of matches that you check only the first match!! (match[i][0]) that why you never go deep to the knn garbage I've solved it by looking at the distance as I wrote in my answer. |
2014-02-04 02:52:25 -0600 | answered a question | BFMatcher crosscheck I've came across with thus issue also. I tried to avoid it but I was needed that cross-check. You can see the matches results: (which give me the next error when it try to draw matches: OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (i1 >= 0 && i1 < static_cast<int>(keypoints1.size())) in drawMatches, file /home/eran/opencv-, line 207) I've solved it by removing it from my good_matches
I added this code to min-max loop and the good_matches loop:
I hope that this number 0.00001 will catch all cases. Or someone will fix this knn match bug :~ |