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2021-05-09 09:01:43 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-01-30 08:05:27 -0600 commented answer Combine a Haar Cascade with color detection

Oh.... I was just trying to find it....

2017-01-30 07:58:15 -0600 commented answer Combine a Haar Cascade with color detection

Cheers Pedro. I'll check this out and mark as the answer if I can implement one of these methods :-)

2017-01-30 07:10:47 -0600 asked a question Combine a Haar Cascade with color detection

I am attempting to detect an object with my webcam. I am successfully detecting the object but also detecting a LOT of false positives. Is there any way to filter my detections using a color? The object that I am trying to detect is red - I want to only draw a rectangle around my object if it matches the cascade AND it happens to be red. Any help would be greatly appreciated.