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2017-10-30 13:24:24 -0600 commented answer Conversion focal distance from mm to pixels

I am getting different results using image sesnor size and foca length size in mm i.e focal length is 4.25mm, horizontal

2017-05-09 14:27:06 -0600 asked a question extended and upright flags in SURF opencv c++ function

what are the equivalent flags of SURF in opencv C++ to python SURF flags extended and upright ?

  • in python version upright flag decides whether to calculate orientation or not
  • And extended flag gives option of whether to use 64 dim or 128 dim

Is there a to do this similar operation in opencv C++ version of SURF function

FYI I am using opencv version 2.4.13

2017-05-05 16:38:23 -0600 commented question namespace cv::ml not found - xcode - C++

I think for using EM in 2.4.13 version , one gotta add #include "opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp" before using CvEM

2017-04-28 10:39:53 -0600 commented answer Reshape function

Thanks Prasanna for this

2017-01-26 19:32:13 -0600 commented answer How can you use K-Means clustering to posterize an image using c++?

Thank you for this, you saved my day !1