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2014-01-04 11:30:12 -0600 asked a question OpenCVLibrary not building in eclipse.

I've been stuck on this problem for some time now and I dont know eclipse well enough to fix it. when attempting to build the opencv library and samples/tutorials found at :

I am getting "The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved" as it cannot find the .class file. When I attempted to fix the build path by adding in the JRE library, it throws up about 400 errors saying that everything "cannot be resolved to a type".

I hope somebody else has had this issue as I followed the instructions on the openCV link above. I am using the NVIDI tegra dev pack. Eclipse - keplar

Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks Alot

2013-12-18 08:01:36 -0600 asked a question Trying to get opencv4android up and running

I have got the Tegra android development pack and downloaded the OpenCV4Android samples. I'm getting 543 errors. all of which are in the library (which all the projects are dependant)

I'm pretty new to eclipse and I havnt had ALOT of experience with Java either. All the errors are "cannot be resolved to a type" or just "cannot be resolved"

Things like, List, Arrays etc etc.

Any help from someone who knows their way around debugging Java a little better would be appreciated.
