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2017-07-24 22:36:36 -0600 received badge  Taxonomist
2016-12-07 05:42:36 -0600 commented question Specular highlights position

LBerger, this method didn't work with images where no specularities. When I try this method for first object (book) which image has not specularities, it detect speculars on label (white letters).

Your link to paper seems to be good, I still read it, thank you!

2016-12-06 04:40:57 -0600 asked a question Specular highlights position

Hello! How to find positions of specular highligts and its size?

I do not need to remove these highlights, just mask it off from image for following processing.

The problem is that I can't detect specularities only by high HSV or RGB value (>255 for example) because of white artefacts on image (labels, subimages etc).

Please, see examples:

First example

And this:

Second example

So, how to position and detect specularities?