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2014-04-16 15:51:34 -0600 commented question Android Can i use setTo() with a Condition, just like in C/C++

alright - thats what i thought... :/

thank you for your help.

or maybe i am totally wrong - what exactly does " myMat.setTo(0, otherMat < threshVal); " do?

2014-04-16 15:25:06 -0600 commented question Android Can i use setTo() with a Condition, just like in C/C++

so i now have:

Imgproc.threshold(otherMat, myMat, threshVal, 0, Imgproc.THRESH_TOZERO_INV);

where do i find that inverting-flag? or where do i put it in?

another question is that i ONLY want to set the value to 0 if the condition is fulfilled and leave the value alone when not - because that is, what the C-Code says , right?

2014-04-16 15:07:27 -0600 commented question Android Can i use setTo() with a Condition, just like in C/C++

i guess, that threshold does not work for me - all the threshold-types are checking for - src(x,y) > thresh - but i need - if (src(x,y) < thresh) then 0 otherwise dst(x,y).

or am i wrong?

2014-04-16 14:06:54 -0600 asked a question Android Can i use setTo() with a Condition, just like in C/C++


i am actually porting some code to Android, but i don't know, how i can translate this code :

myMat.setTo(0, otherMat < threshVal);

As i think, every value in the matrix - myMat is set to 0 when the value at the corresponding place in "otherMat" is lower than "threshVal" - right?

I would just use a for-loop to solve this, but i think there must be a better way - just as in the C-Code Version.

Also - how to translate this C-Code:

myMat = myMat / ( otherMat+1 );

Thank you for your help.

2014-03-05 16:37:37 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-03-05 13:57:49 -0600 asked a question Android change white balance (with CameraBridgeViewBase)

Hi, there are ways to control the camera settings with the Camera.Parameters object - but that is not possible for the camerabridgeviewbase. How does it work there? Or is there even a better way to work with the camera? Or ist Camera.Properties - the same?

Thank you guys.

2013-12-05 04:49:12 -0600 commented question Fast Android image mirroring

oh man - yes, that's exactly the thing i was searching for - thank you very much - i will have a deeper look into the api :)

2013-12-04 14:00:22 -0600 asked a question Fast Android image mirroring

I have a slightly different problem than in this question.

I want to mirror the Image, before anything is done with it. Until now i just read the columns of the incoming image and write them backwards into another. That is very slow and does not seem to work out. Is there an other possibility to just mirror the image?

here is my code: ` //my new matrices Mat nRGB = new Mat(); Mat nGRAY = new Mat();

            //i copy the originals onto them
    nRGB = mRgba.clone();
    nGRAY = mGray.clone();

    int thewidth = mRgba.width();
    for (int i = 0; i < mRgba.width();i++){
        for (int j = 0; j < mRgba.height();j++){

            if (mRgba.get(thewidth-i, j) != null){
                                    //rearrange the columns
                nRGB.put(i, j, mRgba.get(thewidth-i, j));
                nGRAY.put(i, j, mGray.get(thewidth-i, j));
            //copy them back onto the original
    mRgba = nRGB.clone();
    mGray = nGRAY.clone();`
2013-12-04 10:13:09 -0600 commented answer Why does my Android program fire "Tegra compatible GPU found" like crazy?

Okay - thank you - i will test it and report back again then.

2013-12-04 10:11:52 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2013-12-03 13:41:04 -0600 asked a question Why does my Android program fire "Tegra compatible GPU found" like crazy?

I can't seem to find the reason why it appears in the logcat view. About 100Times per second. How can i turn that message off? I'm running an Iconia Tab A210 and developing in Eclipse. Please help. Thank you.