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2016-12-13 04:39:34 -0600 commented answer MSER operator() is different from FeatureDetector::detect() function?

I don't understand how SIFT::detectImpl method works. Can anyone explain me, please?

2016-12-12 03:59:52 -0600 commented answer SIFT implementation in openCV

I understand you. However I have an issue: when I declare "SIFT detector( 100 );" in my main program, I say that I want 100 keypoints in my image. Considering that I specified only one parameter, this instruction calls "operator()" method in sift.cpp file. But here, there's only one instruction: "(*this)(_image, _mask, keypoints, noArray());". What is the meaning?

2016-12-10 10:11:06 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2016-12-03 06:00:57 -0600 asked a question SIFT implementation in openCV

Hi, I' ve tried to understand sift implementation in opencv. In sift.cpp class there is 'calcSIFTDescriptor' method; here, there are two for cycles: for( i = 0; i < d+2; i++ ) {...} and for( i = -radius, k = 0; i <= radius; i++ ) {...}. What is their meaning? Also, do you know some web sites or some documents that explain (better than openCV tutorial or refman) how sift algorithm in opencv works?