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2018-01-12 08:35:33 -0600 commented answer Problem getting Mat from GigE camera (Sapera SDK)

Could you please send it also to me? That would be great. (http://[email protected]) Thank you.

2017-09-28 09:31:10 -0600 commented answer GUI for OpenCv with visual studio

@Guyygarty: Do we have to copy this code in "MyForm.cpp" (where we add those lines of codes) or "MyForm.h" (where we hav

2016-11-18 07:57:31 -0600 commented question Where should I include ueye libraries?

Thank you. It is really helpful.

2016-11-18 05:54:28 -0600 commented question Where should I include ueye libraries?

So I should use only openCV and no need to include ueye libraries. Am I right? I didn't get the answer "yes" exactly :)

2016-11-18 05:42:32 -0600 commented question Where should I include ueye libraries?

With help of one ueye camera I want to take pictures of some patterns and then measure some distances (e.g. between two points or measuring the middle point between two lines).

2016-11-18 05:37:53 -0600 commented question Where should I include ueye libraries?

thanks for your response. But could you please explain what do you mean exactly by if all I want is image processing? What else could be needed? I'm asking because I am new and the whole thing I am going to do is not yet clear. I might need something else in the future.

2016-11-18 05:28:27 -0600 asked a question Where should I include ueye libraries?

Hi guys,

I am going to use ueye camera for image processing and am totally new in this field. I have already installed Visual community and opencv following this tutorial: I have runned one sample program included also in this tutorial and included the opencv folders in the project settings.

However, I don't understand yet, where should I include the ueye libraries (including e.g. ueye.h and uEye_api.lib etc.) and why do we use openCV? I just have been told that we should use opencv with visual studio for image processing!

Thanks you!