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2017-04-21 04:04:17 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-01-24 10:47:07 -0600 asked a question Building application using Qt and Opencv


I have a problem. I need using my application Qt - opencv in other computer that don't have a library of Qt and Opencv. How can I do?

Pease, help me!!

2013-10-31 12:24:30 -0600 asked a question Error videocapture with Qt


I need to use opencv with Qt.

I have got a proyect with linked libraries.

CvCapture* capture2=0; IplImage* frame=0;

capture2 = cvCaptureFromAVI("video2_alcorcon.avi"); // read AVI video

I want use a video .avi but when I play, I have:

(file error_comimage descriptionpilation)

I tried to load a image and load the webcam and it's works.

This is the application output:

image description

When I debug, I have got this file:

image description And for proyect in Qt the file .pro:

INCLUDEPATH += C:\Users\Amaia\Desktop\opencvmin\install\include

INCLUDEPATH += C:\Users\Amaia\Desktop\opencvmin\install\include\opencv LIBS += -LC:\Users\Amaia\Desktop\opencvmin\install\bin \ -lopencv_core240 \ -lopencv_highgui240 \ -lopencv_imgproc240 \ -lopencv_features2d240 \ -lopencv_video240 \ -lopencv_videostab240 \ -lopencv_calib3d240\ -lopencv_flann240

Please help me.

I`m desperate :(

Thanks you in advance.

2013-10-30 08:15:04 -0600 asked a question Using a video (videocapture) with Qt and opencv on windows 7 don`t open.


I need to use in an application opencv qt.

I used this programming in the main.cpp.

VideoCapture capture("video2_alcorcon.avi"); for(; {

capture >> src; imshow("imagen", src); waitKey(10); }

In I include:

INCLUDEPATH += C:\Users\Amaia\Desktop\opencvmin\install\inc lude LIBS += -LC:\Users\Amaia\Desktop\opencvmin\install\li b \ -lopencv_core240 \ -lopencv_highgui240 \ -lopencv_imgproc240 \ -lopencv_features2d240 \ -lopencv_calib3d240

And in header too:

include <opencv cv.h="">

include <opencv2 core="" core.hpp="">

include <opencv2 highgui="" highgui.hpp="">

include <opencv2 imgproc="" imgproc.hpp="">

using namespace cv; //opencv

But I have got an error.error.jpg

Please, help me.
