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2013-10-25 08:13:52 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Sample face-detection change camera

Where do I change camera to front camera in android face detection sample?

2013-10-24 04:22:34 -0600 commented answer Missing .jar file in zip

Jeah, but I still get the error: missing /bin folder in eclipse. I have red X in the library project, and red ! in every sample project. Aditionaly to the missing /bin: The red X in the first project library is in the last java file called Video (missing native library - java.util)..

2013-10-23 10:57:10 -0600 asked a question Missing .jar file in zip

Hello, I now download for the third time from sourceforge, but I always download zipped android sdk libraries, without any .jar file. after extracting, I get the error missing .jar file. Yes I've checked if it's there, and it isn't neighter in the compresed zip file, neighter did the antivirus deleted it (it asks me everythime before deleting something..). Am I missing something here?? I've also downloaded the .exe version and extracted it foud the 246 jar file and added the external jar to the project but the error is the same...

eclipse error opencv zip file