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2013-10-18 03:36:27 -0600 commented answer Can CvAnn_MLP be used in BCB + Opencv 1.0?

Since I cannot convert the openCV 2x LIB into BCB's LIB, I stay in OpenCV 1.0. Anyone can convert them? Please help.

2013-10-16 02:32:43 -0600 asked a question Can CvAnn_MLP be used in BCB + Opencv 1.0?

Dear all,

I am using Borland C++ builder 6.0 (Win 7) with Opencv 1.0, and trying to use the mlp functions, but found a DLL linking problem. I had converted all the lib's into lib's for borland, and linked them into BCB. However, when I delcared an instance of CvANN_MLP, there was a linking problem, which showed no corresponding functions. Please help out.