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2017-08-08 18:42:15 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
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2013-10-04 11:49:12 -0600 commented answer Recognize play card

Thanks for your answer. As I said I do not care about the suit of the card, so why should I implement that classifier to do that? I need only to recognize letters and numbers, because what I want to get is counting how many cards there are for each number/letter. For instance, looking the previous example the first player has six Ks, one 7, five 8s, one 9, three Js and one joker.

2013-10-04 09:49:43 -0600 asked a question Recognize play card

Hello, I want to implement an application for Android able to recognize play cards. In particular, my problem is that cards are arranged as here. So, I guess that the best way to recognize them is trying to read the number/letter (and symbol for the joker) on the corner, since I do not care about the suit of the cards. How can I do that? Sorry, but I am not an expert so please I need of your help.