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2016-10-08 03:30:36 -0600 answered a question detectMultiScale hangs on Mac / Xcode / OpenCV 3.1.0

I'm afraid I cant tell you why but I have found a solution. Th problem has to do with the classifier functions. I was calling the haar cascades files and got the exact same error. When I changed the path to point at the haarcascades_cuda files the program works as expected (opencv-master/data/haarcascades_cuda/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml). I would assume this has to do with the formatting but I couldn't tell you exactly, yet. Hope this helps.

2016-10-08 03:16:35 -0600 commented question detectMultiScale hangs on Mac / Xcode / OpenCV 3.1.0

I'm having the same issue. Pretty much identically actually. Still looking for a solution I'll post it here if i find anything.