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2016-09-29 10:45:32 -0600 commented question Error undefined variable "cv" - Matlab

I just realized my Visual Studio 2012 is 32-bit while my Matlab is 64-bit. I am gonna try to find a 64 one and see how things will go. Thank you very much, berak! hahah may the force be with you as well!

2016-09-29 08:30:53 -0600 commented question Error undefined variable "cv" - Matlab

Thanks berak! So what I need to do is basically download opencv_contrib and CMake and build the Matlab module?

2016-09-29 08:07:22 -0600 asked a question Error undefined variable "cv" - Matlab

System information (version)

OpenCV => 2.4.13 Operating System / Platform => Windows 10 64-Bit Compiler => Visual Studio 2012 Detailed description

I am trying to run a Matlab code using some OpenCV commands but I keep getting this error. What should I do? I already tried to install the OpenCV as in its guide following the 5 steps for Pre-built Libraries as follows but didn't work, I am probably missing or misunderstanding something. I would appreciate your help. Thank you guys in advance

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image description

Follows the Matlab error:

Undefined variable "cv" or class "cv.cvtColor".

Error in face_d_t_new (line 35) gr = cv.cvtColor(videoFrame, 'RGB2GRAY');

Error in HR (line 21) [pos, distance] = face_d_t_new(vid_name, fr, s);