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2016-09-26 22:47:26 -0600 asked a question opencv_test_calib3d accuracy test failed, fisheyeTest.rectify

Dear all,

I complied opencv 2.4.13 on Ubuntu14.04(gcc 4.8.2 ), and it FAILED when I ran the accuracy test opencv_test_calib3d . The exact failed test was fisheyeTest.rectify.

I thought it failed because the source and the testdata were different versions. So I downloaded testdata 2.4.13 releases from github ,but it didn't work.

Then, I rebuilded opencv on VS2015(win10), the fisheyeTest.rectify passed.

Why ubuntu's fisheyeTest.rectify failed but win10 passed with same source and same testdata? Why different behaves between ubuntu and win10?

I have tried gcc 5.4.0 on ubuntu 16.04, but failed again.

Thanks for your help.


[ RUN      ] fisheyeTest.rectify
/home/jjsu/opencv/opencv-2.4.13/modules/calib3d/test/test_fisheye.cpp:437: Failure
The max difference between matrices "correct" and "rectification" is 26 at (87, 373), which exceeds "1e-10", where "correct" at (87, 373) evaluates to (160, 75, 100), "rectfication" at (87, 373) evaluates to (134, 84, 97), "1e-10" evaluates to 1e-10
/home/jjsu/opencv/opencv-2.4.13/modules/calib3d/test/test_fisheye.cpp:437: Failure
The max difference between matrices "correct" and "rectification" is 27 at (87, 373), which exceeds "1e-10", where "correct" at (87, 373) evaluates to (159, 76, 103), "rectfication" at (87, 373) evaluates to (132, 83, 99), "1e-10" evaluates to 1e-10
/home/jjsu/opencv/opencv-2.4.13/modules/calib3d/test/test_fisheye.cpp:437: Failure
The max difference between matrices "correct" and "rectification" is 23 at (82, 374), which exceeds "1e-10", where "correct" at (82, 374) evaluates to (224, 158, 140), "recification" at (82, 374) evaluates to (201, 159, 152), "1e-10" evaluates to 1e-10
/home/jjsu/opencv/opencv-2.4.13/modules/calib3d/test/test_fisheye.cpp:437: Failure
The max difference between matrices "correct" and "rectification" is 23 at (82, 374), which exceeds "1e-10", where "correct" at (82, 374) evaluates to (223, 160, 144), "recification" at (82, 374) evaluates to (200, 160, 153), "1e-10" evaluates to 1e-10
/home/jjsu/opencv/opencv-2.4.13/modules/calib3d/test/test_fisheye.cpp:437: Failure
The max difference between matrices "correct" and "rectification" is 26 at (87, 373), which exceeds "1e-10", where "correct" at (87, 373) evaluates to (157, 77, 104), "rectfication" at (87, 373) evaluates to (131, 86, 100), "1e-10" evaluates to 1e-10
/home/jjsu/opencv/opencv-2.4.13/modules/calib3d/test/test_fisheye.cpp:437: Failure
The max difference between matrices "correct" and "rectification" is 25 at (87, 373), which exceeds "1e-10", where "correct" at (87, 373) evaluates to (159, 79, 103), "rectfication" at (87, 373) evaluates to (134, 86, 99), "1e-10" evaluates to 1e-10
/home/jjsu/opencv/opencv-2.4.13/modules/calib3d/test/test_fisheye.cpp:437: Failure
The max difference between matrices "correct" and "rectification" is 27 at (90, 13), which exceeds "1e-10", where "correct" at (90, 13) evaluates to (168, 90, 111), "rectifcation" at (90, 13) evaluates to (141, 95, 112), "1e-10" evaluates ...