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2016-12-10 18:32:26 -0600 commented question Python: Fish-eye PnP Distortion Coefficients

Thanks for your reply. link text Here is the documentation of this function. You can find it under the 13th function, solvePnP, in this webpage. You can also note that the 4th parameter, distortion_coeffs, is [k1,k2,p1,p2], which is just fit for Zhang's method. The fish-eye model I used is following, link text. Thank you very much.

2016-12-09 20:15:51 -0600 commented question Python: Fish-eye PnP Distortion Coefficients

Thanks for your reply. Your idea may be not what I want to ask for. The function FindExtrinsicCameraParams2() can finish this work that I want. This function is just fit for Zhang's method but not fish-eye model in Opencv3.1.

2016-12-09 06:35:05 -0600 asked a question Python: Fish-eye PnP Distortion Coefficients

I have the intrinsic parameters of fish-eye camera with fisheye model in opencv310 and I want to calculate the rotation vector and translation vector for arbitrary image using pose-from-N-points. As far as I know, the Python function, FindExtrinsicCameraParams2, could work, but it would require distortion coefficients p1 and p2 which are not returned from fish-eye calibration. What can I use for fish-eye p1 and p2 and what do they model?

2016-09-21 04:27:01 -0600 commented question Loss of Class fisheye correcting wide-angle camera in OpenCV 3.0

Thanks for your reply! I have got 43 images to calibrate my camera. Here are the parameters I got Camera Matrix: [223.6587415330009, 0, 290.8699580366777; 0, 259.9323970375434, 309.1011658440989; 0, 0, 1]

Dist Coefficients: [-0.0157997, -0.00707966, 0.00217689, -0.000716948]

The input and output images are shown as follow: link text

You can see there is a big loss of view. It can't provide enough information for stitching. Do you have any idea to solve this problem? Thank your very much!

2016-09-20 07:58:01 -0600 asked a question Loss of Class fisheye correcting wide-angle camera in OpenCV 3.0

Hello everyone, I'm trying to find a method to stitching two images which are from two fish-eye camera. But I have no idea how to correct the original images. I have tried to do this with class fisheye in opencv3.0 but it has a big loss of view so that I have no enough information to stitch in next step. So is there any idea to solve this problem? Or should I adapt other models and algorithms? I‘m fortunate if you could show me a specific strategy. Thank you very much!