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2016-09-19 04:57:11 -0600 commented answer Mat::convertTo

How does it handle overflows then like what if it was Mat m1 with type CV_32F and values [2, 2, 2; 2, 2, 2; 2, 2, 2] then we do m1.convertTo(m1, CV_8UC1, 255); I believe this would lead to [510, 510, 510; 510, 510, 510; 510, 510, 510] If im not mistaken. But unsigned ints only have a max value of 255? so is it set to 255 if it exceeds the maximum possible value?

2016-09-19 04:51:44 -0600 commented answer Mat::convertTo

Oh, I see, thank you very much !

2016-09-18 00:49:27 -0600 asked a question Mat::convertTo

I have read the documentation for convertto but i can't seem to understand the scale argument. What is its purpose? After testing it, the size of the mat object is still the same. So what does it do?