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2016-08-30 04:39:37 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2016-08-26 11:26:12 -0600 commented question memory leak with VideoCapture

And @pklab you can do instance as much as you want, the problème was the memory wasen't free just after they were release

2016-08-26 11:24:15 -0600 commented question memory leak with VideoCapture

I did a test : i did 100 instance of vidéo capture, then did a pause and magic : the memory free itself. But i had to wait some seconds

2016-08-26 11:17:47 -0600 commented question memory leak with VideoCapture

Ooencv 310, visual studio 2015, vc14 ans windows 10

2016-08-26 08:17:01 -0600 commented question memory leak with VideoCapture

Thank you, here it's a simplification of my code, I found a solution by puting test in a static class, that permit to never recall it

2016-08-26 07:16:03 -0600 asked a question memory leak with VideoCapture

Hello, I was debuging my code when I saw a memory leak with VideoCapture. There you have the memory of my computer : it's go up realy fast

I tested this two code :

while (1) { VideoCapture test; test = VideoCapture(0); test.~VideoCapture(); }

while (1) { VideoCapture test; test = VideoCapture(0); test.release(); }

is this normal? do you have any solution?

Thank you