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2020-08-17 00:55:23 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-07-15 05:34:05 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-01-21 06:25:12 -0600 commented question 'channel_type': is not a member of 'cv::DataType<_Tp>'

Im getting the error from opencv2/core/mat.hpp actually there are 2 errors both in mat.hpp file first: 'channel_type'

2018-01-21 06:23:42 -0600 commented question 'channel_type': is not a member of 'cv::DataType<_Tp>'

Im getting the error from opencv2/core/mat.hpp actually there are 2 errors both in mat.hpp file first: 'channel_type'

2018-01-21 06:15:27 -0600 commented question 'channel_type': is not a member of 'cv::DataType<_Tp>'

Im getting the error from opencv2/core/mat.hpp actually there are 2 error both in mat.hpp file first: 'channel_type':

2018-01-21 05:56:36 -0600 asked a question 'channel_type': is not a member of 'cv::DataType<_Tp>'

'channel_type': is not a member of 'cv::DataType<_Tp>' Hi, Im using opencv 3.4.0 on windows and getting the error

2016-08-30 01:53:30 -0600 commented question how to include libjpeg in OpenCV 3.1 Android

this is the problem of course liblibjpeg.a is already included with openCV under native->3rdparty, and Im using libjpeg by including the code LOCAL_C_INCLUDES. how can I use this when Im using openCV?

2016-08-29 05:42:19 -0600 commented question how to get source/header files of libjpeg in opencv4ndk 3rd-party

I have the same problem, did you find solution for this?

2016-08-29 04:21:29 -0600 asked a question how to include libjpeg in OpenCV 3.1 Android

with openCV 2.4.X I had no problem using turbo-libjpeg I've used the library as shared library: includes- 
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += ../../libjpeg-turbo and include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)

when I upgrade to openCV 3.1 I get compilation error below after runing NDK-BUILD. from openCV 3.1 file I can see that libjpeg is not included. the static lib can be found under native->libs, how can I set libjpeg to be include with openCV?

 error: undefined reference to 'jpeg_CreateDecompress'
error: undefined reference to 'jpeg_stdio_src'
error: undefined reference to 'jpeg_read_header'
error: undefined reference to 'jpeg_start_decompress'
error: undefined reference to 'jpeg_read_scanlines'
 error: undefined reference to 'jpeg_finish_decompress'
error: undefined reference to 'jpeg_destroy_decompress'
 error: undefined reference to 'jpeg_std_error'
error: undefined reference to 'jpeg_CreateDecompress'
error: undefined reference to 'TIFFOpen'
error: undefined reference to 'TIFFWriteEncodedStrip'
2016-08-03 09:52:03 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2016-08-02 02:25:14 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-08-02 02:24:33 -0600 asked a question Create from source

Hi I've downloaded openCV source code and follow (OpenCV build section) to build for Android. after running make -j8 I see folder build_android_arm->lib->armeabi-v7a. inside the folder I can see some static libraries and files, but how can i get file that is used in my Android app?

2016-08-01 06:13:46 -0600 commented question Google play alert about libpng security warning with openCV 2.4.11

No it is helpful, but still the fix is not based on 2.4.11 so I have many compilation errors. Thanks

2016-08-01 05:47:53 -0600 asked a question Google play alert about libpng security warning with openCV 2.4.11

Im using openCV to write c++ and java for my Android application. there is new security alert from Google play "libpng containing a security vulnerability".

libpng contains a security vulnerability using OpenCV

I've read that I can update openCV to 3.x to fix the issue, but there are many changes on openCV 3.0 and I don't want to update my code since there are many compilation errors and I need to upload fast .

I've also tried to build openCV from trunk with the link below:

but I'm not sure I can create new file?

is there an option to use openCV 2.4.x and avoid this security alert?