2013-05-02 23:49:53 -0600 | received badge | ● Scholar (source) |
2013-05-02 10:14:27 -0600 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2013-05-01 09:31:09 -0600 | asked a question | MSER operator() is different from FeatureDetector::detect() function? Hi, I am using cv::MSER to get the keypoints of images in opencv. Now I have found 2 ways to do this operation of extracting keypoints from the image. The one is operator() function in MSER class. The other is virtual function in FeatureDetector::detect() What the strange thing is the second parameters in two function are totally different.One is vector<vector<point> > type in MSER class,and the other is vector<keypoint> in FeatureDetector::detect(). In fact, I also find this in source code: It seems that MSERalgorithm returns the area other than the point of a image.And I think the type vector<vector<point> > can represent the area of the image,not the type vector<keypoint>,which just stands.for the vector array of a image. So my question is: Is virtual function detect() in FeatureDetector Class compatible with operator() in MSER Class? |
2013-04-24 02:44:02 -0600 | asked a question | Strange Octave value in SIFT algorithm? Hi, I am using sift algorithm in opencv code to get descriptors and keypoints from images.My code is Here I can get the keypoints of the image in vector < KeyPoint > .After that,I want to get the Octave of each KeyPoint for more details .But when I cout each keypoint octave value for one image,it seems so strange that I want to confirm whether they are right. and if I change SIFT algorithm to SURF algorithm,it will be OK and seem right. So I want to ask whether the calculation of Octave in SIFT algorithm is right in opencv? |
2013-03-07 01:08:15 -0600 | asked a question | Is local sensitive hashing algorithm only compatible with binary descriptors? Hi, I am trying to use local sensitive hashing algorithm in flann in opencv 2.4.4. Here is my code. When running this code to build the index of flann by lsh algo. The code assert that "Opencv Error,unsupported format or combination of formats type=5" I check code in miniflann.cpp. It seems that local sensitive hashing algorithm in flann are only compatible with CV_8U Mat type,other than CV_32F which is generated by sift. However, other binary descriptors detected from ORB, Brief, BRISK, FREAK can produce CV_8U Mat type. So my question is: Is local sensitive hashing algorithm only compatible with binary descriptors in opencv? |
2012-08-17 06:14:32 -0600 | received badge | ● Student (source) |
2012-08-16 12:36:41 -0600 | asked a question | How to save and load FlannBasedMatcher Hi, Training an OpenCV DescriptorMatcher can be a time consuming operation if the training image set is large.Reference to this post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9248012/saving-and-loading-flannbasedmatcher?rq=1 There exists read and write method to load and save FlannBasedMatcher. I try this method and find that the trained DescriptorMatcher data is strange.My code is Mat ref_his is defined above And the result on the disk is In fact,trainning data in the FlannBasedMatcher exists 154 descriptors I'm not sure whether there is anything wrong with my code.My opencv version is 2.4.2. |