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2016-06-30 15:06:40 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2016-06-30 12:46:15 -0600 asked a question Dewarp images taken using digital camera

I want to dewarp slightly cylindrical documents photographed with digital camera (like as in android devices). Is there any opencv algorithm to do the job. I have gone through some research papers regarding this topic but unfortunately they all involve analysis which is quite out of my knowledge. Below is an example of how the actual and processed image should look like. Figure 1 shows actual image and Figure 8 shows processed image.image description image description

2016-06-23 12:05:53 -0600 asked a question Different Behavior Of Native Code In Android

image descriptionimage description(/upfiles/1466700474222065.png)image description I am trying to mix opencv native and java code in my project. When I am calling a native function from my mainactivity when the MainActivity has not been created through an intent the code works fine. However if i start the MainActivity through an intent the code gives unexpected result. I have shown histogram equalization as example. Expert advice urgently needed. Thanks in advance.

P.s. i am sending mat object from java class to jni as matobj.getNativeObjAddr().