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2020-09-30 06:36:40 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2020-09-24 11:27:38 -0600 edited question Imread with preallocated data pointer (cuda unified memory) is reallocating with the exact same size, but shouldn't

Imread with preallocated data pointer (cuda unified memory) is reallocating with the exact same size, but shouldn't Hell

2020-09-24 11:20:12 -0600 commented question Why imread is reallocating data buffer

Ok I'm going to look at that! thank you.

2020-09-24 11:08:04 -0600 commented question Why imread is reallocating data buffer

You're right, i didn't even think of the assignment. With the reference that would be wonderful but still it doesn't exi

2020-09-24 07:37:13 -0600 asked a question Why imread is reallocating data buffer

Why imread is reallocating data buffer Hello! I recently ask an other question similar to this one. Here I don't have a

2020-09-24 03:37:31 -0600 edited question Imread with preallocated data pointer (cuda unified memory) is reallocating with the exact same size, but shouldn't

Imread with preallocated data pointer (cuda unified memory) is reallocating with the exact same size, but shouldn't Hell

2020-09-23 04:38:57 -0600 edited question Imread with preallocated data pointer (cuda unified memory) is reallocating with the exact same size, but shouldn't

Imread with preallocated data pointer (cuda unified memory) is reallocating with the exact same size, but shouldn't Hell

2020-09-23 04:38:05 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-09-23 04:38:05 -0600 edited question Imread with preallocated data pointer (cuda unified memory) is reallocating with the exact same size, but shouldn't

Imread with preallocated data pointer (cuda unified memory) is reallocating with the exact same size, but shouldn't Hell

2020-09-23 02:49:57 -0600 asked a question Imread with preallocated data pointer (cuda unified memory) is reallocating with the exact same size, but shouldn't

Imread with preallocated data pointer (cuda unified memory) is reallocating with the exact same size, but shouldn't Hell