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2020-08-05 07:27:16 -0600 commented question I’m using raspberry pi with python3. I don’t have the raspo camera. So how would make the videocapture(0) go to a web page? I have seen very complicated ways that I don’t understand yet. Are there basic ways to do this?

Yes stream to a webpage Have the raspi stream what’s on the camera so that you can see it on another device through it’

2020-08-04 17:39:20 -0600 asked a question I’m using raspberry pi with python3. I don’t have the raspo camera. So how would make the videocapture(0) go to a web page? I have seen very complicated ways that I don’t understand yet. Are there basic ways to do this?

I’m using raspberry pi with python3. I don’t have the raspo camera. So how would make the videocapture(0) go to a web

2020-08-04 17:39:17 -0600 asked a question I’m using raspberry pi with python3. I don’t have the raspo camera. So how would make the videocapture(0) go to a web page? I have seen very complicated ways that I don’t understand yet. Are there basic ways to do this?

I’m using raspberry pi with python3. I don’t have the raspo camera. So how would make the videocapture(0) go to a web