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2020-07-30 21:55:33 -0600 commented question The result obtained by cuda::dft is different from cv::dft

Hey, I'v solved this issue. In gpu version, the input data should be real not complex when performing FFT forward transf

2020-07-29 01:55:12 -0600 commented question The result obtained by cuda::dft is different from cv::dft

opencv version = 4.1.1; cuda version = 10.1. GPU::GpuMat is a misspelling here, cuda::GpuMat is right. DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPU

2020-07-29 00:36:08 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-07-29 00:36:08 -0600 edited question The result obtained by cuda::dft is different from cv::dft

The result obtained by cuda::dft is different from cv::dft I'm tring to speed up the cv::dft by using the gpu version, b

2020-07-28 01:06:28 -0600 asked a question The result obtained by cuda::dft is different from cv::dft

The result obtained by cuda::dft is different from cv::dft I'm tring to speed up the cv::dft by using the gpu version, b