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2020-07-10 06:30:34 -0600 commented question body height measurement and length of arm with OpenCV from a single still image capture.

currently, I'm using this bounding box technique to measure height only based on object reference. the result isn't very

2020-07-09 22:59:30 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-07-09 22:59:30 -0600 edited question body height measurement and length of arm with OpenCV from a single still image capture.

body height measurement and length of arm with OpenCV from a single still image capture. hi, I'm working for my final ye

2020-07-09 11:55:21 -0600 asked a question body height measurement and length of arm with OpenCV from a single still image capture.

body height measurement and length of arm with OpenCV from a single still image capture. hi, I'm working for my final ye