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2020-07-08 14:31:24 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2020-07-05 11:47:06 -0600 commented question namedWindow does not update when resizing

OpenCV 4.3.0 release from the website no custom build with cmake or any of that. Windows 10 and C++. I've seen other t

2020-07-04 15:56:56 -0600 edited question namedWindow does not update when resizing

namedWindow does not update when resizing Hi, I'm using an OpenCV namedWindow to stream images from a camera. Every fra

2020-07-04 15:56:54 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-07-04 15:56:54 -0600 edited question namedWindow does not update when resizing

namedWindow does not update when holding click on it Hi, I'm using an OpenCV namedWindow to stream images from a camera

2020-07-03 16:12:17 -0600 asked a question namedWindow does not update when resizing

namedWindow does not update when holding click on it Hi, I'm using an OpenCV namedWindow to stream images from a camera