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2020-04-27 12:42:42 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2020-04-25 02:44:10 -0600 commented question Writing ORB brute force feature detection in C++ in android studio.

Hi I just wanted to say i solved it by using this answer. But I don't know if its the correct way or not.

2020-04-25 02:31:52 -0600 asked a question Writing ORB brute force feature detection in C++ in android studio.

Writing ORB brute force feature detection in C++ in android studio. But when i compile I'm getting this error Build com

2020-04-24 02:54:05 -0600 commented question Publish Android openCV Tutorial

Hi thankyou for the tutorial. I actually meant to say implementing openCV ORB in Android environment. I managed to make

2020-04-22 08:53:10 -0600 commented question Publish Android openCV Tutorial

Hi, I think it is absolutely greate idea. As for myself, now I'm strugglingd to implement ORB feature detection algorith