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2013-07-19 14:50:30 -0600 asked a question NVCC cannot find a supported cl version. Only MSVC 9.0 and MSVC 10.0 are supported

I did build openCV2.4.6 with Cmake2.8.11.2 and configured it. As I have VS2012 so I chose "Visual Studio 11" (32 bit). After a successful configuration that I chose "Automatic" for "CUDA_GENERATION" and checked the CUDA_FAST_MATH. The solution was generated successfully. But, when I tried to build the solution in VS2012, I got this error: "nvcc cannot find a supported cl version. Only MSVC 9.0 and MSVC 10.0 are supported". Is there any way around it?

2013-07-19 12:42:17 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2013-07-19 12:41:40 -0600 commented answer getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() returns 0 ?!!

Hmm... Thanks for the info @StevenPuttemans

2013-07-19 12:39:55 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2013-07-17 17:41:40 -0600 commented answer getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() returns 0 ?!!

Thanks guys, this sounds strange, why they did such a thing?!!

2013-07-16 09:45:04 -0600 asked a question getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() returns 0 ?!!


I have installed the pre-compiled OpenCV 2.4.6 and CUDA 5.0 with latest graphics drivers.

While I call the getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() it returns 0 and I can not use its functions. However, when I ran the deviceQuery test I saw that I have a compatible graphics card and every thing is OK! (The code successfully runs with CPU functions)

I wonder why openCV can not access my Graphic Card?