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2020-02-26 12:42:53 -0600 commented question I am trying to resolve this issue. I am trying text recognition using pytesseract using OCR method.

I downloaded the frozen_east_text_detection.pb and extracted it. The code is still not working and showing the same erro

2020-02-26 05:44:11 -0600 commented question I am trying to resolve this issue. I am trying text recognition using pytesseract using OCR method.

Thank you again for the help1 So now I have to download and extract frozen_east_text_detection.pb and extract it and my

2020-02-25 03:32:44 -0600 commented question I am trying to resolve this issue. I am trying text recognition using pytesseract using OCR method.

Thank you for your reply! But I am still not able to understand. Can you elaborate a little bit? What I think is that I

2020-02-24 14:08:16 -0600 commented question I am trying to resolve this issue. I am trying text recognition using pytesseract using OCR method.

load the pre-trained EAST text detector print("[INFO] loading EAST text detector...") net = cv2.dnn.readNet(args["east"

2020-02-24 01:42:24 -0600 asked a question I am trying to resolve this issue. I am trying text recognition using pytesseract using OCR method.

I am trying to resolve this issue. I am trying text recognition using pytesseract using OCR method. cv2.error: OpenCV(4.