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2020-02-24 05:27:22 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-02-24 05:27:22 -0600 edited question Blob depth should be CV_32F or CV_8U

Blob depth should be CV_32F or CV_8U I am getting following error in metod blobFromImage: Exception in thread "main" Cv

2020-02-24 05:23:23 -0600 commented question Blob depth should be CV_32F or CV_8U

yes, thats the point, If I do, it throws error. Anyway thats not the point. Point here is what I am missing here that th

2020-02-24 01:42:25 -0600 asked a question Blob depth should be CV_32F or CV_8U

Blob depth should be CV_32F or CV_8U I am getting following error in metod blobFromImage: Exception in thread "main" CvE