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2021-10-06 22:08:37 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-10-06 22:08:37 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-07-13 08:27:11 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-08-30 03:07:49 -0600 marked best answer point inside rect

I have a rectangle of size l*b where one edge is present at p0 and opposite at p1. How do i check if a point/pixel pi is inside this rectangle or not?

2020-08-30 03:00:37 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-06-10 12:49:02 -0600 commented answer convert Lab to one dimension

i don't mean to split the channels into 3 parts and use L as an axis. What i want is i want to visualize/do some calcula

2020-06-10 12:48:59 -0600 commented question convert Lab to one dimension

i don't mean to split the channels into 3 parts and use L as an axis. What i want is i want to visualize/do some calcula

2020-06-07 08:54:14 -0600 asked a question convert Lab to one dimension

convert Lab to one dimension Is it possible to convert Lab color space values to single axix representing the intensity

2020-06-01 14:10:56 -0600 edited question accurate color difference formula

accurate color difference formula i'm using delta E 2000 formula to calculate the visual distinct pixels in the image, b

2020-06-01 14:08:11 -0600 edited question accurate color difference formula

accurate color difference formula i'm using delta E 2000 formula to calculate the visual distinct pixels in the image, b

2020-06-01 14:07:39 -0600 asked a question accurate color difference formula

accurate color difference formula i'm using delta E 2000 formula to calculate the visual distinct pixels in the image, b

2020-05-28 08:15:40 -0600 asked a question image segmentation

image segmentation According to what i've found till now, the difinition of image segmentation is described as In d

2020-02-11 00:47:46 -0600 commented question readinf image from fpv

i mean, first person view.

2020-02-10 05:43:04 -0600 asked a question readinf image from fpv

readinf image from fpv Is it possible to read video from fpv transmitter and reveiver into reapberry pi using opencv? Ri

2020-02-07 05:11:22 -0600 asked a question smae code not working in different device

smae code not working in different device I have written some robot vision algorithm in c++ using opencv libraryes and t

2020-01-30 05:14:01 -0600 asked a question How to check if monitor is present

How to check if monitor is present How do i first check if display or monitor is present or not in opencv and if present

2020-01-24 04:53:46 -0600 commented question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

ok i've done that but since i'me re installing the opencv right now i can't get same error. but i have pasted the cmakel

2020-01-24 04:51:04 -0600 commented question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

i tried to copy them by using ctrl+shift+c inside vim editor and also used sthft+v and y to copy it than tried to pase i

2020-01-24 04:50:40 -0600 edited question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 04:48:54 -0600 commented question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

i tried to copy them by using ctrl+shift+c inside vim editor and also used sthft+v and y to copy it than tried to pase i

2020-01-24 04:15:27 -0600 edited question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:40:34 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:40:04 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:39:34 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:39:15 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:39:12 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:39:04 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:38:52 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:38:52 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:38:51 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:38:50 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:38:32 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:38:30 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-24 01:38:27 -0600 asked a question link opencv inc and lib in rpio

link opencv inc and lib in rpio I have just installed the opencv 4 in raspberry pi 4 version. But while making it link t

2020-01-23 02:53:20 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2020-01-23 01:51:11 -0600 commented answer point inside rect

the rectangle is present at some angle with x axis i.e it is not parrallel to any axix.

2020-01-22 14:21:21 -0600 asked a question point inside rect

point inside rect I have a rectangle of size l*b where one edge is present at p0 and opposite at p1. How do i check if a

2020-01-22 11:54:03 -0600 edited question largest rectangle contour

largest rectangle contour How can i find largest rectangle size inside given countour instead of outside the contour?

2020-01-22 09:54:17 -0600 asked a question largest rectangle contour

largest rectangle contour How can i find largest rectangle size inside given countour instead of outside the rectangle?

2020-01-15 05:59:11 -0600 asked a question aura color pixels

aura color pixels How do i remove the aura pixels from the boundry of two different regions which color intensity is bet

2020-01-10 04:58:48 -0600 asked a question devide given counter into lines and curves

devide given counter into lines and curves Is their any function in opencv to get group of lines and curves with some cu

2020-01-10 04:57:31 -0600 asked a question devide given counter into lines and curves

devide given counter into lines and curves Is their any function in opencv to get group of lines and curves with some cu

2020-01-09 02:52:12 -0600 commented answer pass mat to opencl

can me tell more more detail how to pass this umat in kernel and read it?

2020-01-09 01:39:01 -0600 edited question pass mat to opencl

pass mat to opencl How do i properly pass image data into opencl? Right now i'm trying to convert all the rgb values of

2020-01-09 01:38:04 -0600 asked a question pass mat to opencl

pass mat to opencl How do i properly pass image data into opencl? Right now i'm trying to convert all the rgb values of

2020-01-09 01:37:57 -0600 asked a question pass mat to opencl

pass mat to opencl How do i properly pass image data into opencl? Right now i'm trying to convert all the rgb values of

2020-01-09 00:10:10 -0600 commented answer access rgb from UMat

Ok, but how to define the x and y position in this methode and how to read the rgb value of that pixel only? can u show

2020-01-08 23:21:39 -0600 marked best answer convert cv::Mat to vector<vector<uchar>> img;

how do i efficiently convert cv::Mat to vector<vector<uchar>> img. right now i am trying beolove code:

vector<vector<Vec3b>> inputImg(OrigImg.cols,vector<Vec3b>(OrigImg.rows));
for(int i=0;i<OrigImg.cols;i++) {
  for(int j=0;j<OrigImg.rows;j++) {
    inputImg[i][j] =<cv::Vec3b>(j,i);

Why i'm trying to do is since it looks like accessing each pixel in cv::Mat or scanning hole image is little bit slower by using<cv::vec3b>(j,i); i want to access the color values of this pixels only by its position. Right now my algorithm is accessing every pixel 6404608 times in each cycle.

2020-01-08 12:36:48 -0600 asked a question access rgb from UMat

access rgb from UMat How do i access rgb or any color data from UMat? For example before i was accesing the color data l