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2020-08-06 02:17:56 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2020-02-10 20:19:22 -0600 asked a question How do I use cv2.VideoCapture with gpu?(openCL, cuda, python)

How do I use cv2.VideoCapture with gpu?(openCL, cuda, python) Hello Guys. I built OpenCV 4.2 with openCL and cuda (with

2020-02-03 21:31:10 -0600 marked best answer how can I change the video frame in selectROI area from RGB to grayscale?

Sorry about bad English :(

I want to change the video frame(videoStream or videoCapture, both) in selectROI area from RGB to grayscale.

I'm using python, and I need help...

2020-02-03 21:31:10 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2020-02-03 21:30:50 -0600 commented answer how can I change the video frame in selectROI area from RGB to grayscale?

It says '5 points required to upvote'... I'm new to here I'm sorry TT

2020-02-03 21:30:25 -0600 commented answer how can I change the video frame in selectROI area from RGB to grayscale?

It says '5 points required to upvote'... I'm sorry TT

2020-02-03 19:42:01 -0600 commented answer how can I change the video frame in selectROI area from RGB to grayscale?

It worked for me! Thanks :)

2020-02-03 08:55:54 -0600 asked a question how can I change the video frame in selectROI area from RGB to grayscale?

how can I change the video frame in selectROI area from RGB to grayscale? Sorry about bad English :( I want to change t