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2023-02-27 23:02:23 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-02-27 23:02:23 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-06-09 06:41:03 -0600 edited question Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame

Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame To find a square and calculate its center  on a frame taken by a w

2020-06-08 10:16:19 -0600 edited question Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame

Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame To find a square and calculate its center  on a frame taken by a w

2020-06-08 08:54:01 -0600 edited question Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame

Most relevasnt OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame To find a square and calculate its center  on a frame taken by a

2020-06-08 08:51:54 -0600 commented question Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame

thank you. Do you see the image now? Please note that this is just a 70x70 pixels cut out of 640x480px frame. The rest o

2020-06-08 08:43:20 -0600 edited question Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame

Most relevasnt OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame To find a square and calculate its center  on a frame taken by a

2020-06-08 05:39:53 -0600 edited question Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame

Most relevasnt OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame To find a square and calculate its center  on a frame taken by a

2020-06-08 05:37:57 -0600 edited question Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame

Most relevasnt OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame To find a square and calculate its center  on a frame taken by a

2020-06-08 05:36:56 -0600 edited question Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame

Most relevasnt OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame To find a square and calculate its center  on a frame taken by a

2020-06-08 05:31:49 -0600 edited question Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame

Most relevasnt OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame To find a square and calculate its center  on a frame taken by a

2020-06-08 05:28:18 -0600 asked a question Most relevant OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame

Most relevasnt OpenCV tool to find a square in a frame To find a square and calculate its center  on a frame taken by a

2020-06-04 14:39:53 -0600 asked a question cv2 and Python on Raspberry cannot find cv2

cv2 and Python on Raspberry cannot find cv2 openCV + Python on Raspberry From Thonny IDE Python code works fine, yet f

2020-04-29 15:43:04 -0600 commented question What camera is best for object detection with Open CV? (Air Hockey Puck)

have you considered black&white camera? With the same resolution you can get three times fps

2020-04-28 12:38:44 -0600 commented question Camera calibration: Can it be "over-undistorted"?

" Before though, I received good cal results easily." - Do I understand you correctly that your problems started with y

2020-04-28 12:38:14 -0600 commented question Camera calibration: Can it be "over-undistorted"?

" Before though, I received good cal results easily." - Do I understand you correctly that your problems started with y

2020-04-28 12:37:39 -0600 commented question Camera calibration: Can it be "over-undistorted"?

" Before though, I received good cal results easily." - Do I understand you correctly that your problems started with y

2020-04-28 12:36:30 -0600 commented question Camera calibration: Can it be "over-undistorted"?

" Before though, I received good cal results easily." - Do I understand you correctly that your problems started with y

2020-04-28 12:33:18 -0600 commented question Camera calibration: Can it be "over-undistorted"?

" Before though, I received good cal results easily." - Do I understand you correctly that your problems started with y

2020-04-28 12:31:07 -0600 commented question Camera calibration: Can it be "over-undistorted"?

" Before though, I received good cal results easily." - Do I understand you correctly that your problems started with y

2020-04-28 11:38:16 -0600 commented answer order of -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_photo -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_calib3

Thank you. This syntax does not allow .so or .a extentions. Does it mean that static and dynamic libs should not be in

2020-04-28 11:36:34 -0600 received badge  Commentator
2020-04-28 11:36:34 -0600 commented answer order of -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_photo -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_calib3

Thank you. This syntax does not allow .so or .a extentions. Does it mean that static and dynamic libs should not be in

2020-04-28 09:02:01 -0600 edited question linker and different versions of shared libraries

linker and different versions of shared libraries After installing a missing openCV shared library, linker (ld) suddenly

2020-04-28 08:02:34 -0600 asked a question linker and different versions of shared libraries

linker and different versions of shared libraries After installing a missing openCV shared library, linker (ld) suddenly

2020-04-27 08:51:49 -0600 commented question Camera calibration: Can it be "over-undistorted"?

are the un-distortion algorithms supposed to work for a fish-eye camera with its huge non-linear distortions?

2020-04-26 11:30:32 -0600 asked a question order of -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_photo -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_calib3

order of -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_photo -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_calib3

2020-04-26 11:18:02 -0600 commented question shared libraries conflict

It looks like ld takes all these shared libraries from my installation/OpenCV-3.4/lib. But ignores, li

2020-04-26 11:17:25 -0600 commented question shared libraries conflict

More details. Though there is no in my installation/OpenCV-3.4/lib, file search found it in /lib/x

2020-04-26 03:35:30 -0600 commented question Merge Mertens taking much longer on C++ than on Python on same set of images

this is disturbing. For my real-time application I put aside Python as an interpreted language in favour of compiled C++

2020-04-25 08:26:47 -0600 commented question shared libraries conflict

before taking this drastic measure I would like to understand what went wrong with my existing 3.4.10 Otherwise there is

2020-04-25 08:14:42 -0600 commented answer undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC

How am I supposed to change to libopencv-video3.4.10 while the link to you provided says Requ

2020-04-25 07:21:57 -0600 asked a question shared libraries conflict

shared libraries conflict OpenCV.3.4.10 on Ubuntu 18.04 To use findTransformECC I had to install

2020-04-25 06:16:49 -0600 commented answer undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC

also the link you provided, says how to install it: sudo apt-get install libopencv-video-dev I understand this is an

2020-04-25 06:08:32 -0600 commented answer undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC

Thank you very much. I downloaded libopencv-video-dev_3.2.0+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i libopencv-video-dev

2020-04-25 06:07:53 -0600 commented answer undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC

Thank you very much. I downloaded libopencv-video-dev_3.2.0+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i libopencv-video-dev

2020-04-25 06:07:10 -0600 commented answer undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC

Thank you very much. I downloaded libopencv-video-dev_3.2.0+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i libopencv-video-dev

2020-04-25 04:25:35 -0600 commented answer What camera is best for object detection with Open CV? (Air Hockey Puck)

it's a fresh idea to measure speed in blnks of eye! And no point discussing budget before the minimal technical require

2020-04-24 15:25:38 -0600 commented answer What camera is best for object detection with Open CV? (Air Hockey Puck)

in worst case 19 cm can't be critical as the pack travel starts from the central line, i.e. at least 96 cm from the goal

2020-04-24 11:16:35 -0600 answered a question What camera is best for object detection with Open CV? (Air Hockey Puck)

To intercept the pack like here no AI is needed. Do you mean you wants to detect

2020-04-24 10:28:51 -0600 commented question What camera is best for object detection with Open CV? (Air Hockey Puck)

What is the maximum speed of the Air Hockey Puck?

2020-04-24 10:19:39 -0600 commented question OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib

From your comment I understand that for linking I should use Installation/OpenCV-3.4/lib which I do and it works fine,

2020-04-24 10:18:51 -0600 commented question OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib

From your comment I understand that for linking I should use Installation/OpenCV-3.4/lib which I do and it works fine,

2020-04-24 10:11:34 -0600 commented question OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib

I unstalled OpenCV on Ununty 18.04 using .sh script from here: I

2020-04-24 08:24:05 -0600 edited question OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib

OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib after installing openCV 3.4.10 I've got two lib directories: Installation/OpenCV

2020-04-24 08:23:44 -0600 edited question OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib

OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib after installing openCV 3.4.10 I've got two lib directories: Installation/OpenCV

2020-04-24 08:22:56 -0600 edited question OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib

OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib after installing openCV 3.4.10 I've got two lib directories: Installation/OpenCV

2020-04-24 08:22:30 -0600 asked a question OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib

OpenCV-3.4/lib vs opencv/build/lib after installing openCV 3.4.10 I've got two lib directories: Installation/OpenCV-

2020-04-24 08:03:22 -0600 commented answer undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC

Thank you. Yesterday I googled findTransformECC and this page was not shown on the first two screens. The page shows the

2020-04-24 07:24:30 -0600 commented answer undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC

Thank you. Yesterday I googled findTransformECC and this page was not shown on the first two screens. The page shows the