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2021-10-13 01:22:53 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2020-01-26 06:52:09 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-01-26 06:52:09 -0600 edited question Execution time of OpenCvs net.forward() way too much(in minutes) than in windows

Execution time of OpenCvs net.forward() way too much(in minutes) than in windows Hi All, i executed a simple program on

2020-01-26 05:48:18 -0600 commented question Execution time of OpenCvs net.forward() way too much(in minutes) than in windows

I logged the timing for each function. Generally in comparison with windows, all opencv functions are taking more time

2020-01-26 04:48:27 -0600 asked a question Execution time of OpenCvs net.forward() way too much(in minutes) than in windows

Execution time of OpenCvs net.forward() way too much(in minutes) than in windows Hi All, i executed a simple program on

2020-01-20 02:04:35 -0600 asked a question Passengers counting in car using opencv

Passengers counting in car using opencv Hi All, I'm working on a project where a camera is installed and a pic is taken