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2020-01-06 04:16:53 -0600 asked a question How to stabilize live feed?

How to stabilize live feed? Currently I'm grabbing a frame at the start of my program, then splitting off the center 30%

2020-01-06 01:42:48 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-12-12 04:48:58 -0600 commented question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

I'm already using waitKeyEx(), if I use waitKeyEx(0) the frames won't get drawn unless I hold down a keypress, but holdi

2019-12-12 03:21:17 -0600 edited question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix? I'm using opencv(4.1.2) with ubuntu(18.04), as I understand my build

2019-12-12 03:21:10 -0600 commented question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

And finally, here's my build-info in case you needed that too

2019-12-12 03:07:13 -0600 edited question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix? I'm using opencv(4.1.1) with ubuntu(18.04), as I understand my build

2019-12-12 03:06:33 -0600 commented question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

I've updated it again to make it compilable. this is the full code with which i can generate an executable and get the b

2019-12-12 03:05:54 -0600 edited question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix? I'm using opencv(4.1.1) with ubuntu(18.04), as I understand my build

2019-12-12 02:59:20 -0600 edited question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix? I'm using opencv(4.1.1) with ubuntu(18.04), as I understand my build

2019-12-12 02:51:04 -0600 edited question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix? I'm using opencv(4.1.1) with ubuntu(18.04), as I understand my build

2019-12-12 02:50:27 -0600 commented question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

I've distilled my code down to the basic things i do and added it, when i hold the keypress down it seems to stop on the

2019-12-12 02:49:05 -0600 edited question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix? I'm using opencv(4.1.1) with ubuntu(18.04), as I understand my build

2019-12-12 02:48:21 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-12-12 02:48:21 -0600 edited question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix? I'm using opencv(4.1.1) with ubuntu(18.04), as I understand my build

2019-12-12 02:39:08 -0600 asked a question waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix?

waitKey(1) freezes display output, is there a fix? I'm using opencv(4.1.1) with ubuntu(18.04), as I understand my build

2019-11-29 06:19:18 -0600 commented answer Convert 3 channel Mat into 4 channel doesn't work?

Thank you! This worked great. Does this function change the channel count according to what depth the input was or alway

2019-11-29 06:18:05 -0600 commented question Convert 3 channel Mat into 4 channel doesn't work?

I was merely using magic numbers to show that my deductions were correct, in the program itself i use the correct enumer

2019-11-29 05:29:46 -0600 asked a question Convert 3 channel Mat into 4 channel doesn't work?

Convert 3 channel Mat into 4 channel doesn't work? I'm building a VideoMixer class that can take a 3Channel and 4Channel