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2019-11-17 10:43:01 -0600 marked best answer Is it possible to detect a circle with grey color and blue dot in center

Is it possible to detect a grey circle in an image with blue dot at the center?

image description

I'm new to open CV can someone please guide?

Thanks, Testmann

2019-11-17 01:33:14 -0600 commented answer Is it possible to detect a circle with grey color and blue dot in center

Thanks for the effort!

2019-11-17 01:33:05 -0600 commented answer Is it possible to detect a circle with grey color and blue dot in center

This is very near. I want to detect only the circle which has a blue dot/circle. Is there Python code for this?

2019-11-17 01:31:41 -0600 commented question Is it possible to detect a circle with grey color and blue dot in center

Blue is the only colour used and I'm using Python

2019-11-15 20:19:29 -0600 commented question Is it possible to detect a circle with grey color and blue dot in center

Thanks for the response. I want to check the small blue circle along with the outer grey circle

2019-11-15 10:03:50 -0600 asked a question Is it possible to detect a circle with grey color and blue dot in center

Is it possible to detect a circle with grey color and blue dot in center Is it possible to detect a grey circle in an im