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2019-11-26 01:45:11 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-11-25 06:28:55 -0600 asked a question cv::ml::rtrees oob error bug???

cv::ml::rtrees oob error bug??? The way cv::ml::rtrees seems to calculate the oob error is as follows: For loop iterat

2019-11-21 10:25:45 -0600 edited question cv::ml::rtrees importance calculation

cv::ml::rtrees importance calculation I am using cv::ml::rtrees and calling getVarImportance() from the model after trai

2019-11-21 10:24:44 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-11-21 10:24:44 -0600 edited question cv::ml::rtrees importance calculation

cv::ml::rtrees importance calculation I am using cv::ml::rtrees and calling getVarImportance() from the model after trai

2019-11-21 10:23:48 -0600 asked a question cv::ml::rtrees importance calculation

cv::ml::rtrees importance calculation I am using cv::ml::rtrees and calling getVarImportance() from the model after trai

2019-11-19 08:31:17 -0600 commented question cv::ml::rtrees oob error

Since they are different, I think I'd prefer to use the oob error for rtrees (it just seems like the better approach) ra

2019-11-19 08:10:59 -0600 commented question cv::ml::rtrees oob error

That change of adding weights applies to calcError. I imagine that before the change the error would've been still diffe

2019-11-19 08:04:26 -0600 commented question cv::ml::rtrees oob error

4.1.0 but I think it happens in any

2019-11-19 08:01:42 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2019-11-19 05:04:33 -0600 asked a question cv::ml::rtrees oob error

cv::ml::rtrees oob error Hi I'm using cv::ml::rtrees and am looking to access the out-of-bag error. Is there a way to a

2019-11-11 02:58:57 -0600 commented question cv::ml::RTrees variable importance

Sorry, my bad - they were all correlated

2019-11-08 06:37:25 -0600 asked a question cv::ml::RTrees variable importance

cv::ml::RTrees variable importance Hi I am working with a random forest (cv::ml::rtrees) and would like a ranking of th

2019-11-04 01:33:43 -0600 commented answer cv::Algorithm read/write in API 3?

Why? The API seems to provide external methods to get roots, nodes, splits and subsets. Can these not be used to do what

2019-11-01 07:40:54 -0600 commented answer cv::Algorithm read/write in API 3?

Thanks for the reply. If they are not deprecated, then they can certainly be used as you say. Thanks for the examples.

2019-11-01 07:37:10 -0600 marked best answer cv::Algorithm read/write in API 3?


I am using cv::ml::RTrees to train a Random Forest model and predict some values. I'd like to store the final trained model in some custom structure and also to write ToString and FromString methods. I have seen that API version 2 has read/write methods and a FileStorage structure which would help to read/write from string but I have read that these are deprecated in API 3. Is this true? And if so, are there any alternative methods provided to replace those (save/load are not valid answers here, as these store and read from file which I don't want to do)? Also, does OpenCV provide any class or set of classes to access the final trained model (e.g. trees, nodes, values) so that I can safely store the model in code without any need to train again?

Thanks in advance for your help.

2019-11-01 07:37:10 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2019-11-01 07:36:57 -0600 commented answer cv::Algorithm read/write in API 3?

Thanks for the reply. If they are not deprecated, then they can certainly be used as you say. Thanks for the examples.

2019-11-01 05:39:06 -0600 commented question cv::Algorithm read/write in API 3?

Thanks for the reply. I saw it in "Learning OpenCV 3: Computer Vision in C++ with the OpenCV Library", by Adrian Kaehle

2019-11-01 05:11:52 -0600 asked a question cv::Algorithm read/write in API 3?

cv::Algorithm read/write in API 3? Hi I am using cv::ml::RTrees to train a Random Forest model and predict some values.