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2019-10-28 12:03:19 -0600 commented answer Camera coordinates to real world plane coordinates

I haven't used it, but I believe it is simply based on findHomography function : you can read this : https://docs.opencv

2019-10-24 13:45:57 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-10-23 15:32:41 -0600 marked best answer cuda optical flow : multiple gpus

Can we use multiple gpus to run nvidia optical flow sdk while creating



Ptr<NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0> nvof = NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::create(
        frameL.size().width, frameL.size().height, perfPreset,
        enableTemporalHints, enableExternalHints, enableCostBuffer, gpuId);

if yes, then in what format does it take multiple gpu ids for eg in list [0, 1] or dict {0, 1} or something else ?

2019-10-23 15:32:41 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2019-10-23 15:32:40 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2019-10-23 15:31:59 -0600 commented answer cuda optical flow : multiple gpus

Thanx for the details. Following this , is ot also possible to do backward forward checking with nvidiaoptical flow func

2019-10-23 15:30:00 -0600 answered a question Camera coordinates to real world plane coordinates

To convert the pixel cordinate to world cordinate (X,Y), you need to have a homography matrix (2d-2d) which can be multi

2019-10-22 00:51:27 -0600 commented answer Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

On using opencv 4.1.2 cudaoptflow samples file functions on 4k video, how long does it take for you to tun first 1000 fr

2019-10-21 16:31:43 -0600 edited question cuda optical flow : multiple gpus

cuda optical flow : opencv 4.1.2 Can we use multiple gpus to run nvidia optical flow sdk while creating NvidiaOptic

2019-10-21 16:08:10 -0600 received badge  Organizer (source)
2019-10-21 16:06:48 -0600 asked a question cuda optical flow : multiple gpus

cuda optical flow : opencv 4.1.2 Can we use multiple gpus to run nvidia optical flow sdk while creating NvidiaOptic

2019-10-17 15:22:43 -0600 commented answer Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

I tried that too >running the Nvidia Optical flow sample (Samples/AppOFCUDA) but it started throwing erro for FreeIma

2019-10-17 12:12:02 -0600 commented answer Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

As per you mentioned that it required turing graphic card with latest drivers, I am using that same system now, still I

2019-10-17 12:11:25 -0600 commented answer Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

As per you mentioned that it required turing graphic card with latest drivers, I am using that same system now, still I

2019-10-17 12:10:15 -0600 commented answer Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

As per you mentioned that it required turing graphic card with latest drivers, I am using that same system now, still I

2019-10-17 12:09:10 -0600 commented answer Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

As per you mentioned that it required turing graphic card with latest drivers, I am using that same system now, still I

2019-10-17 12:08:34 -0600 commented answer Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

As per you mentioned that it required turing graphic card with latest drivers, I am using that same system now, still I

2019-10-16 13:37:28 -0600 commented answer Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

Thank You for your prompt response. So id I use Turing will it work with cuda 10.0 too ?

2019-10-16 13:10:25 -0600 commented question Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

well I have already check that and after that only I posted this question, because I couldn't find a solution and yes I

2019-10-16 13:05:49 -0600 commented question Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

well I have already check that and after that only I posted this question, (thats why for me its not a stupid question)

2019-10-16 13:05:36 -0600 commented question Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

well I have already check that and after that only I posted this questions, (thats why for me its not a stupid question)

2019-10-16 13:02:42 -0600 answered a question Guidline in building Object detection and its direction.

It looks more like a tracking question, you can check this link to learn more about it :

2019-10-16 12:59:11 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-10-16 12:59:11 -0600 edited question Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

Error: Cannot find NvOf library. Using Samples of cudaoptflow, I am trying to run Nvidia Optical Flow sdk. code : wh

2019-10-16 12:57:39 -0600 answered a question slide bar not working and unable to draw contours

.1. Sometimes, there is a square bracket with values e.g. [-1], [0] behind the function the square bracket with number

2019-10-16 12:51:26 -0600 asked a question Error: Cannot find NvOf library.

Error: Cannot find NvOf library. Using Samples of cudaoptflow, I am trying to run Nvidia Optical Flow sdk. code : wh