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2019-10-18 00:33:57 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-10-11 07:53:15 -0600 commented question Need help in recognising the image for face recognition app using OpenCV

I am using : faceRecognizer.predict(m, n, p); to predict and detect the face ,so using cascade detection of faces is

2019-10-11 07:52:40 -0600 commented question Need help in recognising the image for face recognition app using OpenCV

I am using : faceRecognizer.predict(m, n, p); to predict and detect the face ,so using cascade detection of faces is

2019-10-10 08:28:53 -0600 commented question Need help in recognising the image for face recognition app using OpenCV

While using the above code for face recognition,sometime it takes lot of time to recognize the face and sometime it even

2019-10-10 08:07:26 -0600 asked a question Need help in recognising the image for face recognition app using OpenCV

Need help in recognising the image for face recognition app using OpenCV I am using LBPHFaceRecognizer algorithm,and usi