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2019-10-09 03:51:19 -0600 commented question Check if new is new

My Camera has 30 FPS. So it produces 30 frames per second. So in my for Loop often read the identical fr

2019-10-09 03:42:27 -0600 asked a question Check if new is new

Check if new is new I am using OpenCV C++ and grabbing a camera from USB port with in my for loop. Howe

2019-10-04 06:41:03 -0600 commented question Mat.forEach for 2 Matrices? Compare elements

in percent to the first recorded frame

2019-10-04 06:13:47 -0600 commented question Mat.forEach for 2 Matrices? Compare elements

thanks for your reply. I need to compute the difference of brightness of each frame in percent. My brightness is a 1 Ch

2019-10-04 02:42:49 -0600 asked a question Mat.forEach for 2 Matrices? Compare elements

Mat.forEach for 2 Matrices? Compare elements Hey there, i successful implemented Mat.forEach for efficient computing va