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2019-09-30 01:42:18 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-09-23 05:49:01 -0600 commented question How to draw contours of each segmented object

Is there then a way to get the number of pixels of the largest object, 2nd largest, 3rd on?

2019-09-23 02:36:58 -0600 commented question extracting already labelled objects

I don't understand too. Can you share your code? Here is my code : cv::Mat labelImage; cv::Mat stats, centroids; int

2019-09-23 02:36:53 -0600 commented question extracting already labelled objects

I don't understand too. Can you share your code? Here is my code : cv::Mat labelImage; cv::Mat stats, centroids; int

2019-09-23 02:36:36 -0600 commented question extracting already labelled objects

I don't understand too. Can you share your code? Here is my code : cv::Mat labelImage; cv::Mat stats, centroids; i

2019-09-23 02:36:27 -0600 commented question extracting already labelled objects

I don't understand too. Can you share your code? Here is my code : cv::Mat labelImage; cv::Mat stats, centroids; i

2019-09-22 08:30:30 -0600 asked a question extracting already labelled objects

extracting already labelled objects I have a watershed segmented image which I changed to a binary image to apply the co

2019-09-21 07:01:25 -0600 commented answer Draw largest/rect contour on this image

is it possible to find the 2nd, 3rd and 4th largest?