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2020-10-19 14:43:59 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-05-26 03:11:55 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-09-03 07:00:50 -0600 commented question ORB detector Segmentation Fault - Python

@berak Like I said in my original question, I did try it vie cmdline, output is stated above as well. No exception was

2019-09-03 05:28:38 -0600 commented question ORB detector Segmentation Fault - Python

You are right, I should have! Problem solved, it should be cv.ORB_create() instead of cv.ORB()! Thank you @LBerger

2019-09-03 05:08:32 -0600 asked a question ORB detector Segmentation Fault - Python

ORB detector Segmentation Fault - Python Hi, Whenever I try to use the ORB detector like described in the tutorial I

2019-08-28 08:35:42 -0600 answered a question Python: Pyramids not working for calcOpticalFlowPyrLK

Hello, This is a very late answer to your problem, you probably solved it yourself already. I thought it might be of he

2019-08-28 08:19:47 -0600 answered a question Can't use pyramids in calcOpticalFlowPyrLK - Python

Hello, This is a very late answer to your problem, you probably solved it yourself already. I thought it might be of he