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2020-11-12 08:25:19 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2020-11-08 08:18:57 -0600 commented question How to calibrate camera with opencv circles grid pattern?

@sturkmen @Eduardo I tried with acircles_pattern.png, with boardSize( 4, 11) it is only found on heavy downscaled image

2020-11-08 08:18:38 -0600 commented question How to calibrate camera with opencv circles grid pattern?

@sturkmen @Eduardo tried with acircles_pattern.png, with boardSize( 4, 11) it is only found on heavy downscaled image (a

2020-11-05 09:23:24 -0600 commented question How to calibrate camera with opencv circles grid pattern?

@sturkmen I've tried it at first, with cv::CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID flag, but no result

2020-11-05 09:22:41 -0600 commented question How to calibrate camera with opencv circles grid pattern?

@Eduardo I'll try, but is such deformation enough for the target to be completely unrecognizable?

2020-11-04 21:12:09 -0600 edited question How to calibrate camera with opencv circles grid pattern?

How to calibrate camera with opencv circles grid pattern? I'm trying to calibrate the camera according to openCV tutoria

2020-11-04 21:12:07 -0600 edited question How to calibrate camera with opencv circles grid pattern?

How to calibrate camera with opencv circles grid pattern? I'm trying to calibrate the camera according to openCV tutoria

2020-11-04 21:11:06 -0600 asked a question How to calibrate camera with opencv circles grid pattern?

How to calibrate camera with opencv circles grid pattern? I'm trying to calibrate the camera according to openCV tutoria

2020-11-04 21:09:07 -0600 commented question OpenCV out of memory problem on imread\imdecode

@snsinha it was 32-bit app problem at the end, I transferred it to 64-bit, as required sdk was released for 64-bit versi

2020-11-04 21:08:10 -0600 answered a question OpenCV out of memory problem on imread\imdecode

At the end it was 32-bit app problem. Luckily for me, there was required lib released in 64-bit, so I just migrated to 6

2019-08-26 13:02:06 -0600 asked a question OpenCV out of memory problem on imread\imdecode

OpenCV out of memory problem on imread\imdecode I have a problem with OpenCV. I need to read from memory, rotate, resize

2019-08-25 04:08:32 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-08-25 04:08:32 -0600 edited question Problem with OpenCV and MinGW 7.3.2

Problem with OpenCV and MinGW 7.3.2 Hello, I have following problem: I'm trying to use opencv in my Qt 5.13\MinGW 7.3.2

2019-08-25 03:43:16 -0600 asked a question Problem with OpenCV and MinGW 7.3.2

Problem with OpenCV and MinGW 7.3.2 Hello, I have following problem: I'm trying to use opencv in my Qt 5.13\MinGW 7.3.2