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2019-08-15 08:08:58 -0600 edited question Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python

Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python I am using OpenCV 4.1.1. When I try to run the trackbar t

2019-08-15 08:08:33 -0600 edited question Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python

Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python I am using OpenCV 4.1.1. When I try to run the trackbar t

2019-08-15 08:06:07 -0600 commented question Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python

@berak ok, I edited my question according to your request.Please do take a look at it now. Thanks

2019-08-15 08:04:54 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-08-15 08:04:54 -0600 edited question Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python

Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python I am using OpenCV 4.1.1. When I try to run the trackbar t

2019-08-15 02:21:11 -0600 asked a question Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python

Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python I am using OpenCV 4.1.1. When I try to run the trackbar t

2019-08-15 02:21:10 -0600 asked a question Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python

Segmentation fault while using createTrackBar in OpenCV-Python I am using OpenCV 4.1.1. When I try to run the trackbar t