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2016-04-26 06:11:28 -0600 asked a question How to crop multiple objects from an image by drawing Polygon with mouse using OpenCV

image description

want to select the coke cans boundaries using mouse clicks and crop them.

So need a solution to draw multiple polygons to select objects:

I am able to draw single polygon but not multiples. here is the code:

void mouseHandler(int event, int x, int y, int, void*)

    if (event == EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN && !drag)
        if (flag1 == 0)
            if (var == 0)
                img1 = img0.clone();
            point = Point(x, y);
            circle(img1, point, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1, 8, 0);
            pts[var] = point;
            drag = 1;
            if (var>1)
                line(img1, pts[var - 2], point, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0);

            imshow("Source", img1);

    if (event == EVENT_LBUTTONUP && drag)
        imshow("Source", img1);

        drag = 0;
    if (event == EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN)
        flag1 = 1;
        img1 = img0.clone();
        for (int i = var; i < numpts; i++)
            pts[i] = point;

        if (var != 0)
            const Point* pts3[1] = { &pts[0] };
            polylines(img1, pts3, &numpts, 1, 1, Scalar(0, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i<var; i++)
            minx = min(minx, pts[i].x);
            maxx = max(maxx, pts[i].x);
            miny = min(miny, pts[i].y);
            maxy = max(maxy, pts[i].y);
        lenx = maxx - minx;
        leny = maxy - miny;

        imshow("Source", img1);

    if (event == EVENT_RBUTTONUP)
        flag = var;

        final = Mat::zeros(img0.size(), CV_8UC3);
        res1 = Mat::zeros(img0.size(), CV_8UC1);
        const Point* pts4[1] = { &pts[0] };

        fillPoly(res1, pts4, &numpts, 1, Scalar(255, 255, 255), 8, 0);
        bitwise_and(img0, img0, final, res1);
        imshow("mask", res1);
        imwrite("mask.png", res1);

        imshow("Source", img1);

    if (event == EVENT_MBUTTONDOWN)
        for (int i = 0; i < numpts; i++)
            pts[i].x = 0;
            pts[i].y = 0;
        var = 0;
        flag1 = 0;
        minx = INT_MAX; miny = INT_MAX; maxx = INT_MIN; maxy = INT_MIN;
        imshow("Source", img0);
        drag = 0;

int main()

    Mat src = imread("coke.jpg");

    minx = INT_MAX; miny = INT_MAX; maxx = INT_MIN; maxy = INT_MIN;

    img0 = src;

    channel = img0.channels();

    res1 = Mat::zeros(img0.size(), CV_8UC1);
    final = Mat::zeros(img0.size(), CV_8UC3);
    //////////// source image ///////////////////

    namedWindow("Source", 1);
    setMouseCallback("Source", mouseHandler, NULL);
    imshow("Source", img0);
    //imshow("mask", res1);
    namedWindow("Source", 1);
    setMouseCallback("Source", mouseHandler, NULL);
    imshow("Source", img0);
