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2019-07-14 01:44:49 -0600 asked a question Errors in code execution Gstreamer

Errors in code execution Gstreamer When I run my code import cv2 filepath = raw_input("enter the path to the video "

2019-07-13 22:14:59 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-07-13 22:14:59 -0600 edited question Trouble with install Opencv with gstreamer

Trouble with install Opencv with gstreamer I'm trying to install opencv on ubuntu. Download all the necessary packages,

2019-07-13 22:14:26 -0600 asked a question Trouble with install Opencv with gstreamer

Trouble with install Opencv with gstreamer I'm trying to install opencv on ubuntu. Download all the necessary packages,

2019-07-13 09:51:04 -0600 commented answer Open videofile with using opencv and gstreamer

I tried to open the file like this cap = cv2.VideoCapture('filesrc location-aaaa.mp4 ! videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,framer

2019-07-12 22:32:07 -0600 commented answer Open videofile with using opencv and gstreamer

I'm using windows. But i installed openvc with gstreamer. Python 2.7. And i just paste your code, a i has errors WARNIN

2019-07-12 08:50:42 -0600 commented answer Open videofile with using opencv and gstreamer

I would like to transmit the video path from the command line in VideoCapture. And I don't know how to use it here gstr

2019-07-12 07:52:23 -0600 asked a question Open videofile with using opencv and gstreamer

Open videofile with using opencv and gstreamer I began to study opencv. Open with opencv a videofile so easy. But I do n