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Ramiro's profile - karma

Ramiro's karma change log

2 0 Changed by moderator. Reason: Compensated by admin during recalculation of karma ( 2017-08-25 18:16:14 -0600 )

10 0 Is cv::imread able to load huge files? ( 2017-05-29 05:03:38 -0600 )

10 0 Is cv::imread able to load huge files? ( 2016-02-28 10:37:49 -0600 )

5 0 Is cv::imread able to load huge files? ( 2013-09-11 12:07:25 -0600 )

0 -1 Cascade training(Haar training) - I need help! ( 2013-08-28 07:35:30 -0600 )

0 0 Custom Haar-like features and source code ( 2013-07-04 17:00:24 -0600 )

0 -1 Custom Haar-like features and source code ( 2013-07-04 17:00:16 -0600 )