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2019-08-28 06:37:07 -0600 commented question The results of cv::eigen() are different on Win10 and Ubuntu.

I understood what you mean. But my found the input covariance matrixes of cv::eigen() are same which means the file was

2019-08-28 01:56:55 -0600 commented question The results of cv::eigen() are different on Win10 and Ubuntu.

My data are read from the same file. So the inputs of the function cv::eigen() are same.

2019-08-12 09:24:59 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2019-08-12 09:12:59 -0600 asked a question The results of cv::eigen() are different on Win10 and Ubuntu.

The results of cv::eigen() are different on Win10 and Ubuntu. I use the eigenvectors of the local covariance matrix to c

2019-05-01 07:25:37 -0600 commented question How can I save and load a trained Hashtable of a object model in surface_matching.

I mean I need to match the same model in different scenes which require running the code many times. But the training st

2019-05-01 05:07:20 -0600 asked a question How can I save and load a trained Hashtable of a object model in surface_matching.

How can I load a trained Hashtable of a object model in surface_matching. Hi, I am a newbie. In surface_matching module