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2016-06-30 05:00:02 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2016-04-21 23:19:31 -0600 commented question Getting this error when trying to build the INSTALL in Release Mode

By Running Visual Studio in Administrator Mode the error has been solved.

2016-04-21 04:11:51 -0600 commented question Any parameters required to capture video from Webcam in Real Time Pose Estimation example


2016-04-21 01:09:39 -0600 asked a question Any parameters required to capture video from Webcam in Real Time Pose Estimation example


I am running the given example of Real time pose estimation in OpenCV 3.0 when I am running the example with a pre-recorded video, the example is running correctly.But when I am trying to capture a video from webcam getting an error as "Could not open the camera device". Does this example need any parameters for starting video recording with webcam. Can anyone please help in resolving this issue.

Thanks in Advance

Thanks & Regards

K Harsha Vardhan

2016-04-13 08:15:50 -0600 asked a question Getting this error when trying to build the INSTALL in Release Mode

image description


Presently, I am using OpenCV 3.0.0, I have successfully build the source using CMake and Visual Studio 2013, when I am trying to build the INSTALL Project in Release Mode getting the "Error MSB3073: ". As shown in the image.

An Suggestion will be helpful

Thank u in advance

2016-04-12 08:32:25 -0600 commented question Trying to build OpenCV with Cmake and Visual studio 2010

Thanks for u r suggestions. I have removed VS2010 and I have installed VS2013 Express Edition and the problem has been solved.

Thanks a lot....

2016-04-12 04:13:33 -0600 asked a question Trying to build OpenCV with Cmake and Visual studio 2010


Presently, I am using OpenCV 3.0, CMake 2.8.11 and Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition. when, I am trying to Configure it for Visual Studio 2010 and build the binary file, I am getting the error as "Error in configuration process, project files may be invalid". Is this because, Am I using a incompatible version of Visual studio or any other issue.

Any suggestion will be helpful.

Thanks in advance.